Eryngium Planum

Eryngium Planum

They can tolerate poor soil, and a spot at the foot of a wall is an effective position as the soil will remain dry over winter. It’s additionally a good suggestion to plant eryngiums away from the sting of a border or path, as their spikes can be quite sharp. They work properly in gravel gardens and don’t want a lot of watering. Though this adorable Sea Holly is brimming with cuteness and blue in a big way, its trim globular mound stays small. A dwarf compact rosette of toothed, thick dark green leaves unleashes stiff silver-blue stems and egg-formed spiny purplish blue heads that appear in wondrous droves all summer time long.

A dramatic collar of upturned, unequal steely green bracts, some reaching the striking breadth of 5 to 6 in. throughout, serves up central, sea-green flower heads harking back to a Protea. Ideal for dried preparations, this unique Mexican perennial demands a warm, sunny web site with well drained, fertile soil. Give it a blue pot on the patio or another prominent location to bring its remarkable present in-to full view. The thistle-like flowers are made up of tiny flowers packed collectively in a good cluster.

Eryngium Maritimum

They are exceptionally care-free crops if they are given a properly-chosen web site. Here are some fundamental rules that need to be followed to enjoy their splendid flowers. Most are erect, stiff-branched, thistlelike plants that bloom in summer time, putting on a show of putting oval, metal-blue or amethyst flower heads surrounded by spiny blue bracts. They make long-lasting reduce flowers and dry nicely for winter preparations. Plants are sparsely clothed in deeply reduce darkish green leaves with spiny-toothed edges; upper leaves and stems are sometimes blue. The nicely-branched grey-green flowering stalks emerge from a neat, low growing globular mound solid by glossy, toothed darkish green leaves.


Exceptionally hardy, Eryngium alpinum is perennial in Zone 2. Eryngium amethystinum and Eryngium yuccifolium are perennial in Zones three. The frequent name refers to Ellen Willmott, who is claimed to have carried seeds at all times, planting them within the gardens of fellow horticulturalists. Eryngium giganteum (Miss Willmott’s ghost) is a species of flowering plant in the Apiaceae family, native to the Caucasus and Iran.

Mediterranean Sea Holly

Eryngiums make good winter silhouettes and the flowerheads are nice for chopping and utilizing in fresh and dried preparations. Any of the genus Eryngium of umbelliferous plants resembling thistles. Eryngium combines fantastically with many companion plants, together with Verbena bonariensis, Perovskia atriplicifolia, Aconitum carmichaelii ‘Arendsii’ or the wonderful Echinacea.

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